Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Indulge, It's National Cheescake Day!!!!!

Hey Gifters!!!! I hope you're enjoying your Tuesday so far. I totally thought tomorrow was the thirtieth of July until I was reminded by my other half that today was indeed July 30th! I know you're probably thinking, why is this day so important and I  am so glad to answer your question. Today is National Cheesecake Day!

I know we live in a gluten-free, diary free, soy free almost we can't eat anything free type of world nowadays but sometime you just have to indulge in the  declared forbidden. --Gifters, today is the perfect day to do it.

I am definitely a Brooklyn girl and I love Junior's Original Cheesecake, but, for this National Cheesecake Day; The Cheesecake Factory literally takes the cake.

For this year's day of showing cheesecake love, The Cheesecake Factory is debuting its newest flavor: Toasted Marshmallow S'mores Galore Cheesecake! This wonderful creation features Hershey's Chocolate Cheesecake topped with chocolate ganache, toasted marshmallow topping, whipped cream and graham cracker. WOW!!! Who created this cake? I totally want to shake their hand.
To add even more of a treat to debuting such a delectable delight, the Cheesecake Factory is also offering dine-in guests the opportunity to have any slice of cheesecake half-off! 
(One slice per customer)

Happy National Cheesecake Day Gifters!!!! I may just indulge in my Cheesecake Factory fave: Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake. What flavor will you be trying today???

If you happen to stop by The Cheesecake Factory or whatever your favorite Cheesecake bakery may be, share how you'll celebrate this awesome dessert love day with us! You can reply directly to this post or Tweet Us @TheGiftIsYours or share your pics with us on Instagram @TheGiftIsYours. Whether you Tweet us or IG us don't forget to #LoveNationalCheesecakeDay ... We can't wait to see your favorites!!!