Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Indulge, It's National Cheescake Day!!!!!

Hey Gifters!!!! I hope you're enjoying your Tuesday so far. I totally thought tomorrow was the thirtieth of July until I was reminded by my other half that today was indeed July 30th! I know you're probably thinking, why is this day so important and I  am so glad to answer your question. Today is National Cheesecake Day!

I know we live in a gluten-free, diary free, soy free almost we can't eat anything free type of world nowadays but sometime you just have to indulge in the  declared forbidden. --Gifters, today is the perfect day to do it.

I am definitely a Brooklyn girl and I love Junior's Original Cheesecake, but, for this National Cheesecake Day; The Cheesecake Factory literally takes the cake.

For this year's day of showing cheesecake love, The Cheesecake Factory is debuting its newest flavor: Toasted Marshmallow S'mores Galore Cheesecake! This wonderful creation features Hershey's Chocolate Cheesecake topped with chocolate ganache, toasted marshmallow topping, whipped cream and graham cracker. WOW!!! Who created this cake? I totally want to shake their hand.
To add even more of a treat to debuting such a delectable delight, the Cheesecake Factory is also offering dine-in guests the opportunity to have any slice of cheesecake half-off! 
(One slice per customer)

Happy National Cheesecake Day Gifters!!!! I may just indulge in my Cheesecake Factory fave: Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake. What flavor will you be trying today???

If you happen to stop by The Cheesecake Factory or whatever your favorite Cheesecake bakery may be, share how you'll celebrate this awesome dessert love day with us! You can reply directly to this post or Tweet Us @TheGiftIsYours or share your pics with us on Instagram @TheGiftIsYours. Whether you Tweet us or IG us don't forget to #LoveNationalCheesecakeDay ... We can't wait to see your favorites!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Make It Monday: From Shopping Bag to Gift Bag

Happy Monday Gifters!!!!!! Make it Monday is here again and I am so excited to bring you today's craft out of The Gift Is Yours little creation lab! Initially was going to create something else but something changed my crafting mind.

Yesterday my husband and I went on a date night. We went to one of our favorite restaurants: Houston's! I absolutely adore their traditional salad. It has mixed spring lettuce, tomato, boiled egg, and smoked hardwood bacon and croutons. YUM! I always opt for no croutons and I top it with their mustard honey dressing. As always, I never finish they entire salad because it's so big. We ended up having to take my leftovers home and in true Houston's fashion they put my leftovers in a brown shopping bag donning the name Houston's.

As I woke this morning with my planned craft in my mind, I realized how many brown shopping bags we have and the wheels in my mind began to turn. I thought why not reuse these awesomely durable brown bags as gift bags. We get to help protect our planet and create something fabulous all at the same time.

Let's face it, we all need gift bags at some point and time in our lives. Whether we're celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or giving a gift just because; gift bags will certainly make an appearance somewhere. By making your own gift bag you can personalize for whomever you're giving it to. Believe me, when they see how much work went into the bag, they'll think twice about tossing it and it will become a cherished keepsake.

Now, on to crafting!!!!

1 Brown Shopping Bag
1 Ruler
1 pair of Scissors
Pre-Cut Letters (if not, paper to cut whatever letters or numbers you may need)
Scotch Expressions Tape (colors of your choice)
Artificial Flowers
Pearl Appliques

Step 1
Place the Scotch Expressions take over the words on the bag if there are any. There are two ways you can do it. You can either measure the length of the bag and pre-cut the tape or you just place the tape at the top of the bag, hold and roll until you get to the end. Do whatever works for you.

Step 2
Take your flowers and your pearl appliques and place the pearl appliques in the center of the flower

Step 3
If you're like me and you didn't have pre-cut letters, here is where you cut out your letters. You can use a stencil to trace the letters and then cut them. Another way to tackle this task is; if have the wonderfully awesome Cricut just press in the letters or numbers you'd like and let the Cricut do the cutting. The length of the band created by the tape was 2 1/4 inches. I wanted the letters to have sort of a layering affect. To achieve they layering look that I was going for, I cut the purple letters 2 1/4 inches and I proceeded to cut the orange letters to 2 inches.

Note: I kind of changed my mind around this point and time in the craft. I decided instead of just gluing the letters I wanted to add dimension to the letters for more of a wow factor. 

Step 4
Place the glue on the  letters that measure 2 inches and apply them to each corresponding letter that measures 2 1/4 inches. (I suggest that you set the letters before you glue them together, that way you can make all your mistakes here before you try to adhere them)

Step 5
Adhere your letters and flowers to the selected locations on the bag.

                   Check out the Houston's Shopping Bag Before coming to our crafting lab.


As you can see this particular bag will be for my wonderful mother! By placing the tape directly over the writing on the bag, you can't even tell that it was ever there.

You can make your bag for whomever and whatever event you like. Just remember to personalize it accordingly. Choose whatever colors and materials the bags weight can hold! I hope you enjoy making this craft as much as I did. You'll have the same opportunity to give it to someone special and do your part in protecting our planet. Now if that's not awesome, I don't know what is.

So folks, what do you think? We would love to hear your thoughts. You can reply to this blog post or you can tag us on Twitter @TheGiftIsYours or share your pics with us on Instagram @TheGiftIsYours ... Don't forget to #MakeItMonday #ShoppingBagToGiftBag... Show us your Monday Creation!!!

As always, if you found this post to be fun, entertaining, helpful or all three; don't forget to share it with your friends!!!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

BROOKLYN Weekend FUN: Fabipops!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!! I hope you're week was awesome. It's time for the weekend! As you already know, here at The Gift Is Yours we believe in making your weekends count. Our Brooklyn Weekend FUN suggestion this week is one new fab-i-lous word: Fabipops!!!

Due to high consumer demands, earlier this week, small business owner Fabiola Scarbrough's hard work paid off when she opened Brooklyn's ONLY cake pop store! How awesome is that?!?!?!


Located in the fabulous Park Slope area of Brooklyn, Fabipops offers an array of custom cake pops, ring pops, and push pops. These super moist, tasty, and eye catching treats leaves nothing to be desired.  They even offer cake pop classes where you can learn the art of decorating cake pops.

If you're in Brooklyn this weekend or even if you're in another borough take a trip over to Fabipops located at 60 4th Avenue!!! It'll most certainly be worth the journey!

Lastly, from one small business owner to another, I would like to say: Congratulations Fabiola, I wish you an eternity of success!!!  ~Meagan

So folks, what do you think? Will you be stopping by Fabipops this weekend?  We would love to hear your thoughts.  You can reply to this blog post or you can tag us on Twitter @TheGiftIsYours or  if you stop by Fabipops share your pics with us on Instagram @TheGift Is Yours... Don't forget to #BklynWkndFun #FabiPops !!!!!

As always, if you found this post to be fun, entertaining, or helpful: don't forget to share it with your friends!

Monday, July 22, 2013

5 Easy Steps To Fun Straw Ornaments

It's Monday again Gifters, and you know what that means: "Make It Monday!" I hope you had an amazing weekend! Now for some crafting therapy!

Today we will be making: Straw Ornaments! Straw Ornaments are a fun, quick and easy way to add an extra touch to your event. Whether it's a garden party or you just want to feel a little extra special when you kick back and relax at home, straw ornaments can add personality to drink.

I promise these 5 easy steps will have you creating straw ornaments for many events to come. Now let's get to crafting!


1 Heart Shaped Punched (or whatever punch shape suits you)
1 Sheet of Recollections Gold Signature Glitter Paper (or the color of your choice)
1 Sheet of Red Card Stock (or the color of your choice)
Small Scissors
Score Board
Bone Folder

Step 1

You will take your heart punch and simply punch out as many hearts as you need of that particular color.

Step 2

After you have cut out your hearts, you will commence to fold your hearts in half. While you can do this by hand, for crisp folding lines: I suggest using a scoring board along with a bone folder.

Step 3

Here, you fold your scored heart in half and carefully cut two slits. The entire length of the slit should be about 1/16 of an inch while folded. The width is a little bit longer than 1/16 of an inch. The key is not to make the whole too big or too small. You don't want it to fall off the straw or be too hard to put on. 
Check out the close up shots below to see how to cut the center of the heart.

Step 4

Here, you want to take the heart by both top edges while open and gently push them together until the center looks like the hearts pictured above.

Step 5

Place your straw ornaments on your straws and enjoy!!!!!!

So folks, what do you think?  We would love to hear your thoughts.  You can reply to this blog post or you can tag us on Twitter @TheGiftIsYours or share your pics with us on Instagram @TheGift Is Yours... Don't forget to #MakeItMonday #DressUpMyDrink .. Show me your Monday Creation!!!!!

As always, if you found this post to be fun, entertaining, or helpful: don't forget to share it with your friends!

Friday, July 19, 2013

3 Events For Weekend Fun In BROOKLYN!

Happy Friday Everyone!!! The weekend is finally here. At The Gift Is Yours, we believe in making our weekends count. To help you make yours count we put together a quick list of some activities you will be sure to enjoy! All event will be taking place in the wonderful borough of  BROOKLYN!

Morning Tai Chi and Qigong in Prospect Park with Brooklyn Kung Fu & Tai Chi Academy

If you're an early riser and want to start your day of with a centered Chi, well this is the activity for you.  Morning Tai Chi will take place in Prospect Park at 9:30am. It's only $10 per practice. For more info you can go to taichibrooklyn.com

Seasonal Photography tour of the Brooklyn Navy Yard

This is such a great opportunity, and for $30 it's not to shabby. You have the wonderful opportunity to tour the famous Brooklyn Navy Yard with your camera at hand! For more information and to make reservations call (347) 903-8687. Tickets can also be purchased online on the Bldg 92 or Turnstile Tours websites.

BIG!Workshops: Create Your Own Pendant Light with Urban Chandy

Of course with us being addicted to crafting of all types, making something you had to make with your hands, was sure to make an appearance on this list. Last but certainly not least on this list; Create Your Own Pendant Light! You will have the opportunity to learn how to wire and frame your very own Pendant Light Fixture! How cool is that? 

This event  will take place 69 9th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215 at 12:30pm
To RSVP, go to http://www.bignyc.org/workshop or for questions email workshops@bignyc.org

Whether you check out any of these 3 events or do something else, make sure you're being safe and having lots and lots of fun!

For more events happening in Brooklyn this weekend, checkout www.parkslope.patch.com

So Gifters, you think you'll try any of the 3 events listed in this post? If so, which one? If not, how are you making your weekend count? We'd love to hear from you! You can reply to this blogpost below, comment on our Twitter Feed @TheGiftIsYours #BklynWkndFun or send pics and chat with us on Instagram @TheGiftIsYours #BklynWkndFun.

As always, if you found this post to be fun, helpful, entertaining or all 3; don't forget to share it with your friends!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1 Meal You Can't Skip On Your Wedding Day

The Big Day is finally here!!! Today is your wedding day!!! All of the planning will finally come to life in just a few short hours. You wake up with so much on your mind. You have to bathe, get hair and make-up done, put that "I'm only gonna wear this once dress on." Such a busy, busy bee. 

--But wait, aren't you missing something? BREAKFAST! On the most important day of your life, you should NOT skip the most important meal of the day.

How To Ensure You Eat Breakfast

It is best that you designate someone you have breakfast ahead of time. Whether it's your mom, aunt, or close cousin that you know is reliable, be sure to put someone on Breakfast Patrol.

Note: If you and your bridesmaids are getting ready at the same location, be sure that the designated Breakfast Patrol has enough for them to eat as well.

Remember, although this is your day, it will take a TEAM effort to make this day go the way that you've dreamed about. So, you want to make sure that everyone feels their absolute best!

What to Eat
After some research, we've narrowed down some great foods. These foods will provide protein, boost your energy, calm your tummy and keep you satisfied.

You can eat them poached, scrambled, boiled; whatever suits your fancy. Eggs are loaded with protein.


Non-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt
The live cultures in Greek Yogurt are said to calm your tummy!


Orange Juice

Whole Wheat Toast

If you're like me and prefer milk instead of water with your oatmeal; try almond or soy milk

Chamomile Tea
If you absolutely must drink something warm try a calming cup of tea instead of coffee.

Foods to Avoid: Try your absolute best to avoid: salt, caffeine, milk & diary products, and foods that get stuck in your teeth.

Extra Tip:  As I was always told in Basic Training:  HYDRATE! Water is one of the main keys in fighting fatigue. Make sure you've arranged to have bottled water on hand throughout the day: no matter what season you're getting married in.

You can mix these foods however you like. Make what suits you best. Just remember that you want to eat foods that are easy to digest. You want to avoid an accompaniment of stomach growls during your vows.

So what do think? After reading this, will you make sure you & your team eat breakfast on your wedding day? Who are you going to put on Breakfast Patrol? You can respond to this post, comment on our Twitter feed @TheGiftIsYours #WeddingBreakfastPlan or chat with us on Instagram @TheGiftIsYours. We'd love to hear from you!

As always, if you found this post to be fun, entertaining, or helpful: don't forget to share it with your friends!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Make It Monday: 1 Way To Take Your Candles from Drab to Fab

Happy Monday Gifters!!! I hope you all had an amazing weekend. Welcome back to Make It Monday. I hope you're ready for your crafting therapy. Today for Make It Monday we will be dressing up our candles!!!! In order for us to accomplish this, our feature product for today will be Martha Stewart's: Punch Around the Page and Punch All Over the Page Punches.

As many of us know candles have been a go to for cost efficient decorations for quite some time now. Whether it be a wedding, baby shower, or another type of social event; there were candles somewhere to be found.

Although candles themselves may not be that expensive (depending on the type of candles you purchase) dressing them up, so they can be: "different," "unique," or "stand-out" to reflect your own personal taste can be. Now if followed exactly, you will be able to get 3 "Candle Dresses" from one $.69 sheet of Card Stock. I may not be a banker, but that sounds like a steal to me!

I was super eager to use my new punches after receiving them last week and thought this was the perfect craft for them!

3 Votive Candles (top opening measure 1 7/8")
1 Set of Martha Stewart's Punch Around the Page Punches (choose what pattern suits you or the event best)
1 Punch All Over the Page Punch (choose what pattern suits you or the event best)
3 pieces of cardstock measuring 4"x 6 3/4"
Scotch 3M Tape Gun (or whatever adhesive works best with the paper you are using)
Craft Mat

From a 12 x 12 sheet of Card Stock cut 6 3/4" first. Then, you can turn the paper around and cut at 4 inches each time.  This will leave you with 3, 4" x 6 3/4 pieces of paper.

Step 2
On top of your craft mat, take the corner punch of your Martha Stewart Punch Around the Page Punch and punch the two width corners of the page. (You will only need to do this to 2 corners at the top of the page)

     Step 3
To link the pattern from corner to corner, take the other punch from the Punch Around the Page set and carefully line it up with the corner pattern as pictured. After you make the first punch using the corner as a guide,  move to the other guide to continue to punch. You must make sure it lines up exactly with the guide or the pattern will not come out correctly. For a clearer explanation and to see it live in action, check out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXPmhG6uKGA .   

After you've completed the pattern around the top part of the page, you can move on to the center of the page. Here you use your Punch All over the Page Punch to create a design in the center of the page. This will be the focal point because this is where the light from the candle will shine through. 

Step 4
Take your Punch All Over The Page Punch. Separate the top from the bottom. Place the paper so the punch out will be at the center of your card stock. Use the grids! Line up the first punch with either the grid to the left or right (whichever side you would like to start with) and continue the pattern. I suggest you hold the paper after you've lined it up while attaching the magnet. The magnet connection is very strong and will cause your sheet of paper to move. 

Step 5
With your card stock face side up, hold it securely and take your tape gun and apply it to the right side of the paper, starting just below the cut of of the corner pattern.

Step 6
Carefully roll your piece of card stock into a cylinder form placing the other edge over the side of paper with the adhesive.

Be sure to hold the edges together in place smoothing them out for about 15-20 seconds to make sure they stick and will stay in place.

Step 7
Safely light your candles, carefully place the candle dresses over them and enjoy!

Whether you want liven up your candles for a social event, the in-laws dropping by for an unexpected visit or a quiet dinner for two, you can customize them to fit you without breaking the bank!!!

So folks, what do you think?  I would love to hear your thoughts.  You can reply to this blog post or you can tag me on Twitter @TheGiftIsYours ... Don't forget to #MakeItMonday .. Show me your Monday Creation!!!!!