Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Sunshine Birthday Challenge: 14 Days of Acts of Kindness and Service

To my regular viewers, I would like to say I know this is a little off topic of DIY projects and letterpress  class posts. --But trust and believe me, it's completely awesome!!!!!!

Hey everyone, welcome to very first "Sunshine Birthday Challenge!"

I am so excited and honored that you have decided to take part in this awesome event. 

As I previously stated in my mass text message a few hours before my  25+3 birthday, my uncle (whom I will miss as long as I breath) nicknamed me Sunshine. While I may not be perfect, I try to live up to my nickname and bring Sunshine into the lives of whomever I meet.  
So, with that in mind I have come up with "The Sunshine Birthday Challenge."

My Birthday is on the 14th of May so this challenge will include 14 days of acts of service toward others. For the people who will be on the receiving end of your service;  it will be seen as a random act of kindness.  How great is that?  For every kind act that each of you put out in the atmosphere someone will be touched and will feel the need to act in kindness towards you and/or someone else.

I guess you can say the acts will become a little more challenging each day, as far as the effort is concerned. 

1. You must complete each act of kindness (practice integrity here)

2. Keep a daily log of each act of kindness you've completed (try to keep it on your phone and/or laptop, I'm going to need them and it makes it easiesr for you to send) o yea be creative in compiling your log, you know how I love creativity!!!!

3. Comment on the blog post corresponding for each day about how you felt while performing your act of kindness. If you do not have consistent internet access write down how you felt while performing your act of kindness and add it to your daily log.

4. Be careful. That speaks for itself. We all know the world we are living in. 

5. Last but certainly not least: enjoy yourself.

Now the moment you've all been waiting for: 

"The 14 Acts of Kindness"

1. Say hi (whatever the proper salutation is) to someone you don't know. 

2. Give a compliment to someone you don't know

3. Hold a door open for someone you don't know with a smile

4. Pay for someone's snack $3.00 and under.  (I know we are all on a tight budget)

5. You will be on a line somewhere at some point and time during the day. Let at least one person go ahead of you just because. 

6. Purchase any type of products that sends proceeds to breast cancer (Whatever fits into your budget)

7. Give someone you know who wouldn't expect or someone you don't know a graduation card

8. Donate (money, time, or food goods) to a church that you are not a member of that you know is active in whatever community they serve

9. May is National Health and Observances Month. Go to pick any disease/disorder/health awareness issue that touches you the most and create either an fb post, twitter post, blog post or if you do none of those a mass text message to educate others about the health issue you've selected and why National Health and Observances Month is important

10. Start a conversation with someone you don't particularly care for it just may change your relationship

11. Write to a prisoner.  We all have had hardships in life and theirs nothing like someone actually being non judgemental with a listening ear and open heart.  Check out the website check out the profiles and select the prisoner you feel you should write to.

12. Visit he website . Post something great for all veterans and their families past and present who have sacrificed so much for us all

13. Click and become a friend with the Endometriosis Foundation of America (EFA) today.  Read up on endometriosis and become "EndoAware."

14. Donate a care package to the USO at Help them serve those who serve us.  If this is not within your budget click and choose which is the most cost effective way to support a service member for you.

We are going on during Memorial Day so this is an extra.

15. Actually observe Memorial Day. Pick an act of service of any kind you choose for a veteran(s) and/or their families

End of Challenge Rules
Now that the challenge is over, go over your journal log and make sure you have everything together and in order.  

1. Send it to me via email at no later than 3June2013 11:59pm.
(Anything received after 3Jun2013 11:59pm will NOT be counted)

2. I will go over everything between 3Jun2013 and 5Jun2013.

3. The winner will be selected 6Jun2013.

4 The winner and their prize will be announced 7Jun2013.

Well everyone, let's get ready to spread some Sunshine!!!!!!!!! 

With Lots and Lots of Love,
